Sykefraværet i Norge økte under koronapandemien, og koronarelatert fravær bidro mest til økningen. Enkelte personer får langvarige plager etter en covid-19-infeksjon og blir sykmeldt på grunn av dette. Vi undersøker hvilke sykefraværsdiagnoser som oppstår hyppigst etter et sykefravær med covid-19. Dette sammenlikner vi med en kontrollgruppe bestående av sykmeldte personer med andre diagnoser enn covid-19. Diagnosen trøtthet og slapphet hadde en betydelig økning under pandemien. Vi undersøker derfor sammenhengen mellom sykefravær med covid-19 og påfølgende sykefravær med trøtthet og slapphet. Vi finner en sterk statistisk sammenheng mellom sykefravær med covid-19 og påfølgende sykefravær med trøtthet og slapphet. Noen av disse sykefraværene har spesielt lang varighet, noe som kan indikere en «long covid-effekt» i sykefraværet. Vi kan knytte økningen i sykefravær med trøtthet og slapphet under pandemien til selve sykdommen, men ikke utelukke at andre samfunnsforhold som nedstengning av samfunnet og økt arbeidsbelastning er medvirkende årsaker.
Sickness absence in Norway increased during the covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 diagnosis contributed mostly to this increase. Some individuals infected with the coronavirus may experience post-covid conditions. The aim is to examine which new onset diagnoses had the highest prevalence after covid-19 sickness absence compared to a non-covid-19 control group. “Weakness/tiredness general”-diagnosis increased considerably during the pandemic. We examined the association between sickness absence due to covid-19 and sickness absence due to “weakness/tiredness general”-diagnoses. A strong association between covid-19 sickness absence and “weakness/tiredness general”-sickness absence was found. Some of these sickness absences had a particularly long duration, which may indicate a long-covid effect. The increase in sickness absence due to “weakness/tiredness general” during the covid-19 pandemic may be due to the disease of covid-19. However, other societal factors contributing to this association cannot be ruled out.
Sickness absence in Norway increased during the covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 diagnosis contributed mostly to this increase. Some individuals infected with the coronavirus may experience post-covid conditions. The aim is to examine which new onset diagnoses had the highest prevalence after covid-19 sickness absence compared to a non-covid-19 control group. “Weakness/tiredness general”-diagnosis increased considerably during the pandemic. We examined the association between sickness absence due to covid-19 and sickness absence due to “weakness/tiredness general”-diagnoses. A strong association between covid-19 sickness absence and “weakness/tiredness general”-sickness absence was found. Some of these sickness absences had a particularly long duration, which may indicate a long-covid effect. The increase in sickness absence due to “weakness/tiredness general” during the covid-19 pandemic may be due to the disease of covid-19. However, other societal factors contributing to this association cannot be ruled out.